What is Reiki?


Reiki by definition is a Japanese word split into two syllables meaning mysterious atmosphere or miraculous sign. Rei meaning soul, spirit, or subltle energy. Ki meaning vital energy or life force. In China this translates to Qi and in India Prana. It is understood that the body, mind, and soul are a unified system. As a result Reiki uses a universal and non denominational approach to support the energy system of the person being treated. Reiki restores balance in the chakras, aura, physical health, and mental health creating a sense of wholeness for the individual recieving treatment. 

What can I expect in a treatment?


Wearing comfortable clothing the practitioner will have the client lay in a comfortable position on the treatment table. The practitioner will use light touch to work with energy on and off the body. Noticing any areas that need extra attention or feel out of balance. Using Reiki techniques they will allow the energy to shift in the area of focus. Treatments induce deep relaxation and support the nervous system to settle allowing for the body’s ability to self correct. 


What is the history of Reiki?

Reiki is an ancient practice dating back over 2,500 years ago. With a Buddhist background its history has been tracked amongst many cultures. 

In the 1900’s it was rediscovered by Dr. Mikao Usui in Japan. Dr. Usui spent his lfetime learning ways to

 heal pursuing theology, psychology, and health. He researched deeper understandings of Christ and Bu

ddha’s paths toward healing the sick and injured. Creating a mastery of this practice he began to teach this to others. Dr. Usui helped many people learn this modality supporting them to become Reiki Masters. Eventually Dr. Usui passed on his lineage to Dr. Chujiro Hayashi who founded a Reiki clinic in Tokyo. 

Dr. Hayashi modified and refined these treatments and continued to train many Reiki Masters. One of whom being Mrs. Hawayo Takata in 1935. Mrs. Takata brought Reiki to the United States spreading the teachings of this work which is now practiced worldwide.